by Kimberly Nario
If you’re not familiar with this ask, I’m simply asking the Virginia legislature to pass a bill that will guarantee access to quality health coverage for all children. This might sound simple because it is simple. Yet the legislation for this has not made its way to a governor’s desk despite years of efforts from advocates and activists. Before I get into what you can do to make 2025 the year we finally cover all kids, let’s talk about why it’s so important.
Cover All Kids removes barriers so that all kids, regardless of race, income level, zip code, or immigration status have access to affordable, quality health care. Illness doesn’t know borders. It doesn’t know citizenship. It doesn’t know income. But what do we know? We know that when kids don’t have access to affordable, quality health care, it means things don’t get caught early or treated properly. It means longer absences from school. It means a financial strain on families.
13,000. That’s about how many children aren’t eligible for health coverage in Virginia. They’re our neighbors, our kids’ classmates, even our own family members. If we want Virginia to be the best place to work and raise families, then we have to give working people and families the support they need to thrive. Like I said, it’s simple.
Still not convinced? Then check out this op-ed by Dr. Emily Gonzalez and Dr. Christine Page-Lopez. They share stories of patients–children–directly impacted by a lack of access to health coverage. They also note that currently 11 states and Washington, D.C. provide access to health coverage for children regardless of immigration status. Let’s add Virginia to that list! Tell your legislators to COVER ALL KIDS!